miércoles, 8 de noviembre de 2017

Animal in me

I took a test called "The animal in you". The results? I'm a penguin!

So, according to that, I'm witty, meticulous, intelligent, dual-natured, inscrutable, self-conscious...
Penguins are deceptively intelligent but they're modest about their abilities and generally understimated by others. They are really good at writing and they have a natural aptitude for languages.

I agree with some things like meticoulous, self-conscious... But I don't think I am dual-natured. I'm just me, I don't go feigning nothing, I'm always the same person. I don't know if I am generally understimated by others, but I don't think so. I don't know either if I have a natural aptitude for languages, however, I'd really like it, because I'd love to speak a lot of languages. 

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