ESO has come to an end. After 4 years, I can finally say that it has finished and it has been a good stage of the obligatory school. I've work a lot those 4 years to get a good mark. I have achieved that.
When I arrived in high school, I was keen to start ESO, it was a new stage for me, it was exciting. In the 1st year, I made some new friends and I met lots of people I didn't know yet. The easiest course for me was 2nd grade of ESO. It is the course that I have worked less of ESO. And the one that I have the best average mark, a 10/10. 3rd ESO wasn't that difficult like some people said. It wasn't my best year, but it was nice. Finally, the last year has been easy at the beginning but really hard at the end. I think that is because I started working, being a musician, and if you want to study (having really high and great marks) and work (doing your job well) it's hard. Now, that the final term has finished, I can say that I have finished good, but I can't stop working until I improve some marks I consider that they have to be greater. I have only 1 week and a half to improve that marks and have the ones I want. Right now, I'm really tired and saturated of non stop working, but it's only a week and a half and I have to do my best and finish good the course and ESO.
I haven't got more things to say, just 4 years of working and meeting people.

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